growing peas in texas

Useful Tips For Growing Peas In Central Texas

Peas are a great addition to a home garden.
At the flowering stage, the blooms look like gems on the a green curtain. Once formed, the pods make a crunchy and juicy snack for kids.
If you got the right information they will be one of your favorite crops to grow.

growing fennel

How to Grow Fennel in Central Texas

Fennel is the most versatile vegetables that is forgotten by most home gardeners.
The bulb and green tops are can be used to create delicious gourmet dishes.
Then enjoy the yellow flowers and all the beneficial insects that hover around it.
At last, you get to harvest the seeds to make soothing teas or flavor your home-made bread.
Read along to see how easy it is to grow this precious vegetable.

how to grow potatoes

How to Grow Potatoes in Central Texas

Nothing beats homegrown potatoes, boiled then drizzled with olive oil and some salt.
That was my favorite snack as a child.
Growing potatoes in central Texas , the conventional way, was challenging to me. Let me share with you what I did to be able to grow nice-looking potatoes in a 4*4 raised bed.

growing leafy greens in central texas

How to Grow Leafy Greens in Central Texas

If you want to try fast, easy, low maintenance and most rewarding vegetables in your home garden, you should try Leafy Greens.
Leafy greens include kale, spinach, oriental greens, and swisschard. There is more to the list but these are the most common and the easiest to grow.