Ranunculus or Asian buttercup is a beautiful rose-like flower with ruffled petals. Contrary to the Northern regions, it is an early bloomer in Texas. Growing it in the south is a bit different than in the north. Here is how to grow Ranunculus in Central Texas. It may also apply to the warm regions that don’t get extreme winters.
Is Ranunculus annual or perennial?
Ranunculus is considered an annual. It does not stand Texas heat as its corms tend to succumb to rot.

When to grow Ranunculus in Central Texas?
Ranunculus is a cool-season flower. Plant it in the fall, around October, for it to grow foliage through winter. It will be the first to bloom in late winter, declaring the approach of Spring.
The corms start showing up in nurseries in Spring, which is not the best time for Central Texas. The solution is to get them whenever you find them, then store them in the fridge for later use.
Ranunculus thrives when the average daily temperatures are 75F (25C) and 65F (16C) at night, likely in November in Central Texas.
How to grow Ranunculus in Central Texas?
Since Texas summers linger through the fall, it is not a bad idea to start Ranunculus some time ahead. Then, once the temperatures are ideal for them to grow outside, they would have already put on good growth.

How to start Ranunculus indoors?
Ranunculus grows out of corms, which look like a bunch of tiny bananas. They come in a dehydrated form, so it is crucial to handle them with care. They are very delicate and easy to break.
- Soak the corms in water for four hours.
- Prepare clean small pots, about three inches.
- Fill the pots with premoistened seed starting soil mix.
- Place the corms claws down.
- Cover lightly with soil and water.
- Set them in a cool place under grow light or a window.
- Keep the soil moist, but not wet, at all times.
- The green growth will start peeking out in two to three weeks.
- Care for it till it reaches two to three inches.
- Harden the young plants off before planting them out.
How to plant a Ranunculus outdoors?
Once the temperatures are stable at 75F (25C) during the day and 65F (16C) at night, it is time to plant Ranunculus outside.
For planting transplants, follow these steps:
- Dig a hole as big as the root ball.
- Add a slow-release fertilizer for a good start.
- Hold the container upside down in the palm of your hand.
- Squeeze and tap on the base to release the root ball.
- Place the plant in the hole at ground level.
- Back-fill with soil, pressing as you fill to eliminate any air pockets.
- Water deeply.
For planting corms refer to the “how to start ranunculus indoors?” It is the same process for direct ground planting.

How much sun does Ranunculus need?
Try to find the sunniest spot in the garden. Six hours or more are a must for Ranunculus to bloom to its fullest.
What kind of soil does Ranunculus need?
Ranunculus needs rich and well-draining soil. If the soil is too heavy, it will cause the corms to rot. On the other hand, if the soil is sandy and drains too fast, the corms will dry out and won’t be able to survive. For either, amend with organic compost to improve texture.
How to water Ranunculus?
Watering Ranunculus can be tricky; too much water will cause them to rot, and too little water will kill them.
Water Ranunculus on a scheduled pattern. First, test the moisture level between each watering to know how long it lasts. Don’t let the soil turn bone dry before you water again.

How to space Ranunculus?
Expect the ranunculus plant to reach 12- 18 inches in diameter. Plant them one foot apart for a better contrast between the foliage and the popping color of the flowers.
Is Ranunculus a cut flower?
Ranunculus is an excellent choice for cut flowers. The plethora of colors satisfies many picky spectators, standing out in any flower arrangement.
Can Ranunculus grow in pots?
You can grow Persian buttercups in pots if you keep them well-watered. One corm can fit in a three-inch pot. Do the math if you want to grow them in a bigger pot.
Can I leave Ranunculus in the ground?
In Central Texas, it is not advisable to keep ranunculus corms in the ground for the summer. Instead, after blooming is over, dig them out and store them in a dark, cool place.

How to store Ranunculus corms?
- Allow the foliage to die back.
- Use a hand trowel and carefully lift the corms.
- Lay them on paper and allow the soil on them to dry.
- A day or two later, brush as much soil as you can.
- Do not over-handle the corms.
- Put the corms in a paper or mesh bag.
- Label the bag with the name and the date.
- Store in the fridge, where you won’t be bothering it.
- The corms will store just fine until the coming season.
How to encourage more blooms?
Keep cutting the flowers for arrangements or deadhead the spent flowers. The continuous maintenance will send more energy to the tubers and encourage more blooms. You can also fertilize with a high phosphorus (middle number) fertilizer.
So helpful! Thank you.
Thanks so much— I planted some in Nov and am getting a few blooms now but afraid the 80 degree days this week are finishing them off. Will start earlier next year,
They should start blooming now through April. As soon as we start getting too warm the plant will start yellowing and dying back. The corms will rot if left in the soil during the summer. You can dig up the corms and save them in the fridge. Next October, start them in pots. Some people prefer to get new corms each season to make sure they will get blooms.
Good luck and thank you for passing by.
Hi Lori,
You still have some time to start your ranunculus. You can use 4” pots or a six pack container. You fill them up with good draining soil. The corms should be barely covered with soil. They tend to rot.
Once sprouted and the stems are about an inch tall, plant them wherever you want them to be.